Packaged Treatment Plants

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Kusters Water

Genoa Kusters Water offers a complete line of packaged biological wastewater treatment systems. Standard Plants are designed to operate in the extended aeration mode of activated sludge, providing 24-36 hours of aeration retention time allowing the plant to operate effetively over widely varying flow rates and waste loadings while providing lower overall solids production. When required, the system design can be modified to provide advanced forms of treatment, such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) removal.



H2O Innovation: Your wastewater treatment specialist
Our reliable state-of-the-art, eco-friendly solutions help you effectively address your treatment requirements thanks to an approach that meets all your wastewater management and environmental compliance while streamlining costs and optimizing treatment. We are both active and proactive in our search for cutting-edge solutions and are known for;
1) Our ability to adapt to waste characteristics.
2) Systems that take up very little space and are ideal for a decentralized approach.
3) Minimal sludge management and long term performance without periodic cleaning or replacement of filtering mediums (short and medium term)
4) State-of-the-art equipment able to tolerate operational interruptions and flow rate Changes.
5) Passive, compact, low energy consumption systems.
6) Simplified integration of innovative technology into existing infrastructures.
7) Economical (no full time operators) and ecological (no chemical products) treatment Solutions.

H2O Innovations uses the innovative Bio-Wheel Technology combines fixed film and aerated sludge process to reduce or effectively eliminate; Suspended solids (SS), Chemical Oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (DBO’s).  Nitrogen (by means of nitrifications and denitrification) and phosphorous odors, fecal coliforms, hydrogen sulphide and more.

Entex Technologies

Entex Technologies offers an unequaled selection of advanced wastewater treatment solutions for municipal and industrial applications. Our solutions effectively address space constraints and budget concerns, as well as ever increasing demands for higher quality effluent and increased plant capacity. Technologies provided by Entex have been selected with confidence to treat more than 70 million gallons per day of design capacity.

Entex provides biological systems for carbon and nutrient removal, including phosphorus and total nitrogen control. As a provider of both moving and fixed media processes, Entex offers an unbiased design assessment. The Entex team has been involved in over 750 installations with over a combined 100 years of experience. Entex provides flexible aeration options, along with process optimization. Additionally, Entex offers a suite of tertiary filtration systems for reuse quality effluent. 

Entex provides the ability to upgrade treatment facilities to meet the needs of increased capacity and improved effluent discharge requirements, usually without the need for additional treatment basins. These systems provide powerful solutions to the challenges facing wastewater treatment systems, offering extraordinary levels of performance typically at a substantially lower cost than conventional solutions.

